Learn your own way!
Our self-paced, online courses take the nuggets of gold discussed in our in person events so you don’t miss out!
We all lead busy lives and sometimes the idea of two days out of the office is too much to bear.
That’s why our online modules are designed so you can learn at your own pace. They’re bite-sized, easy to understand and quick to apply so you’re always benefiting, even if you can only set aside a few minutes at a time.
Courses coming soon!
You asked and we listened!
We’re putting the finishing touches on a number of NEW online courses.
These take the best of our in person and online interactive training programs and transform them into bite-size videos for you to access when it suits you.
If you’d like to stay updated on when the courses go live, email us here
Let it all change!
Our introductory course is designed to give you an understanding of how change works!
Set your own pace as you explore the fundamentals of change and how you can make it easier to design and implement change both in your workplace and your life!
Key topics covered include:
Change dynamics - the building blocks of change
Making better decisions
Getting to your goals
We recommend this course for all retainer clients and as a bonus, you’ll get a FREE one month trial of our change portal!
Companies don’t have it easy when it comes to leading others through change. From economic uncertainty to AI, threats from competitors and changes in consumer and employee behaviour, it looks like a minefield to anyone not prepared.
Yes, you probably have your own style for navigating change based on personal experience, but wouldn’t it be nice to have a simple framework that takes away the stress?
In this online version of our in-person intensive course, you get to set the pace for how much you learn and when works for you!
Decision Making Essentials
We make over 30,000 decisions every single day!
Majority of these are made on autopilot, driven by your subconscious mind and influenced by your life experiences to date.
In this course, we’ll explore:
How we naturally make decisions
The hurdles and roadblocks we place in our path when making decisions
Frameworks and strategies for improving the quality of your decisions
Using decision science to build better goals, habits and strategies
Improving Psychosocial Safety at Work
We all deserve to work in safe environments and thanks to ISO standards and legislative changes, the right of employees to be protected from physical and psychosocial harm is now a legal obligation.
But how do you know if you’re complying and what can you do to improve your workplace environment?
In this course, we’ll look at:
Why psychosocial safety is beneficial for everyone
How to assess how safe your workplace is
How to choose the best solutions for improving safety using our 5 Es framework
Protecting your wellbeing
When we’re burnt out, we’re no good for ourselves or anyone else!
In this online course we’ll explore:
How to recognise when you’re running on empty
Transforming your coping strategies into constructive ones
Strategies for short term relief and long term sustainability
Want to train a group of people at once?
Corporate group options are available for all our courses!
Talk to us about how we can tailor the course you’re interested in for your specific context and goals.