After 4 successful years in Sydney, Rethink Change finally came to Melbourne!
As one of the presenters, I spoke to an audience of change makers from around Australia and New Zealand on the ever increasing importance of psychosocial wellbeing and how to nurture it in the workplace.
Protecting your people: how to nurture psychosocial wellbeing through change and at work.
Whether we like it or not, employers are expected to protect the psychosocial wellbeing of their staff and offering fruit boxes or a foosball table isn’t likely to cut it. So what might an effective change strategy look like and how do you identify what’s really needed in your company to care for your staff? In this interactive session, we’ll discuss and explore what psychosocial wellbeing is, why it matters and strategies to help you and your company protect the psychosocial wellbeing of everyone in your workplace.