Get yourself ready for 2025 with our 8 week crash course on all things change!
Each Monday night we’ll meet online to guide you through the fundamentals of change and how you can make it easier to design and implement change both in your workplace and your life!
Over the 8 weeks, we’ll take you on a journey that introduces you to scientific and practical strategies for improving how you make decisions, set goals and design changes that can actually last!
Topics covered include:
Change dynamics - the building blocks of change
Making better decisions
The do’s and don’ts of implementing change
Getting to your goals
Why does it matter?
We don’t always have other people we can turn to for support. Sometimes we need to be that person for ourselves.
59% of Australians experienced at least one personal stressor in the last 12 months
75% of Australians have experienced a traumatic event at some point in their life
Our 8 week course costs just $395 per participant.
(that's less than $50 per session)
From how you make decisions and set goals to designing changes that can actually last, this introductory course is designed for anyone interested in making life and work easier!
While we welcome everyone, we don't need you to have a PhD or years of experience which is why we keep the content practical and easy to understand with simple strategies and tips that anyone can use.
We try to keep our online courses running with 8-15 people in each group.
From our experience running training sessions like these, we have found that small groups are best and this is the sweet spot for bringing together people with different experiences!
It lets us facilitate more open discussion and gives everyone the chance to share and contribute.
We understand that sometimes life gets in the way and other things need to take priority. That's why we record all sessions and make them available on a private viewing link.