Leading others through change is hard.
It’s even harder when you’re not feeling quite yourself.
In this 3 week online course, we’ll take the best of neuroscience, psychology and behavioural science to help you better understand stress and mental wellbeing and how self-neglect harms both ourselves and those around us.
Over the three weeks, we’ll look at why we can become reactive and what strategies we can use for improving physical and psychological wellbeing so you can focus your energy less on putting out fires and more on chasing after the things that really matter to you.
Key topics include:
The neuroscience and physiology of stress
Bad decisions and rotten eggs: Why being in survival mode can cause so much harm to those around us
From reactive to responsive: Strategies for immediate relief
Sustainable solutions: Strategies for longer term self care
Learning outcomes
Be able to apply practical skills to prioritise self-care and emotional well-being
Develop strategies to nurture self-care during periods of significant life changes
Discover how to find purpose and identify your core values during challenging times.
Why does it matter?
We don’t always have other people we can turn to for support. Sometimes we need to be that person for ourselves.
59% of Australians experienced at least one personal stressor in the last 12 months
75% of Australians have experienced a traumatic event at some point in their life
We know how important your wellbeing is which is why we want to make this course as accessible as possible for everyone.
For this reason, we keep the price of this course lower than other courses so as many people as possible are able to join.
Whether you lead change projects or a team of people at work, this course is filled with valuable insights and strategies to help you protect your own wellbeing in times of stress and be a better leader to those around you.
We try to keep our online courses running with 8-15 people in each group.
From our experience running training sessions like these, we have found that small groups are best and this is the sweet spot for bringing together people with different experiences!
It lets us facilitate more open discussion and gives everyone the chance to share and contribute.
We understand that sometimes life gets in the way and other things need to take priority. That's why we record all sessions and make them available on a private viewing link.
Want to join our next cohort?
Email us now to reserve your spot!